
Terra's Arabian Night

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Giggles and excited chatter fill the air as Terra and some of her friends arrange their sleeping bags all in a row as Ash, Misty, and Brock look on. "Wonder what tales you have up your sleeve this time, master storyteller?" Misty grins.

"I'm gonna let Terra and her friends tell me what they want to hear--doesn't matter if they want to hear one story or my whole repertoire." Brock assures his friends as he pets Pikachu.

"We'd need more than one night to hear your whole repertoire." Ash notes as Brock carefully steps through the girls' bags to reach a chair overlooking the two neat rows of sleeping bags, each one occupied by an excited girl.

"Okay, everyone--who's first to request a story?" Brock asks.

"Tell your version of 'Aladdin'!" Terra requests.

Brock nods. "Okay...just keep in mind this is not quite the 'Aladdin' everybody knows." The girls nod to show they understand.

With that, he begins "There once lived a poor tailor somewhere in a far away land of the desert. Although she was not terribly well off, the one thing she loved more than anything else was her son, Aladdin. He was a hardworking and brave boy who loved to play with the other children of the town when he didn't have chores to do."

"Why is this version of Aladdin a kid?" a girl whispers to Terra.

"The movie Aladdin was going to be a kid too, but Disney decided it wouldn't make sense for a princess to be interested in a kid." Terra explains. The girl nods and turns her attention back to Brock.

"One day, when he was playing in the streets as he always did after a long day of work, a stranger approached him, asked him how old he was, and if he were the son of Cantara, the tailor." Brock continues.

"I am, sir," Ash decides to jump in the role of Aladdin.

"Aladdin didn't know that the stranger, who claimed to be his uncle, was actually an infamous magician named Jafar--who had come in disguise." Brock continues. "Jafar embraced Aladdin and kissed him, then told him..."

In his best mimic of the real Jafar, he continues "I am your uncle, and knew you from your likeness to my brother. Go to your mother and tell her I am coming."

As himself, he continues "So Aladdin ran home, and told his mother Cantara of his newly found uncle."

"Really?" Misty jumps in the role of Cantara. "I know your father had a brother, but I always thought he too died from a terrible disease, like your father did."

"So Cantara made the most extravagant meal she knew how to make for dinner, and Jafar came laden with wine and fruit." Brock continues. "He bowed his head where Aladdin's father used to sit, telling Cantara not to be surprised at not having seen him before, as he had been traveling for forty years, and only recently returned. He then turned to Aladdin, and asked him what he did for a living. On learning that Aladdin had followed in his family's trade, he offered to give him something more than mending and sewing clothes day in and day out."

"What about the cave of wonders?" a girl interrupts.

"I'm getting to that." Brock assures the girl. "Anyway, the next day Jafar bought Aladdin some fine clothes, and took him all over the city, showing him the sights, and brought him home at nightfall to his mother, who was overjoyed to see her son treated like royalty, if only for a day."

He then intones "The next day, Jafar led Aladdin into some beautiful gardens that lay far from the city gates. They sat down by a fountain, and Jafar pulled a cake from his bag, which he divided between them. They then traveled across the desert until they came to the eastern crags. Aladdin was tired from walking so far, and begged to go back, but Jafar told him all kinds of amazing stories of places he had supposedly visited in his travels, and Aladdin was so entranced by these tales, he went on in spite of himself. Eventually, they came to two huge crags divided by a sand pit.

"We will go no farther," he intones as Jafar. "I will show you something wonderful; if you will gather wood for a fire."

As himself, he continues "When the fire was lit, Jafar cast a spell on the flickering flames..."

He pauses to sing as Jafar Gran zirtan vin fangan miti...

As himself,  he continues "At this, the earth started to rumble, and a third crag with a cave entrance rose up from the sand. Aladdin was so terrified, he tried to run away, but Jafar held him back."

"What have I done, uncle?" Ash pleads as Aladdin.

"Don't be afraid." Brock replies as Jafar. "somewhere in this cave lies a treasure which is to be yours, and no one else may touch it, so you must do exactly as I tell you."

"At the word treasure, Aladdin forgot all about his fears, and waited for Jafar's instructions as he approached the cave." he narrates as himself.

As Jafar, he goes on "Somewhere in this cave you will find an open door leading into three large halls. Whatever you do, do not touch anything, or it will be your life in exchange. These halls lead into a garden of fine Berry trees. Walk on until you come to a niche in a terrace which holds a lamp. I want you to bring the lamp to me."

As himself, he goes on "With that, Jafar gave Aladdin a ruby ring, wishing him good luck on his quest. Aladdin spent some time exploring the cave of wonders, and eventually found the door leading to the halls as Jafar had said. He gathered some Berries off the trees, and, once he had the lamp, retraced his steps to the mouth of the cave."

Terra swallows hard. "A-and then?"

"Jafar told Aladdin to give him the lamp, but Aladdin knew that Jafar was going to do something terrible with it--exactly what, he didn't know." Brock continues. "So he refused. Jafar flew into a fierce rage, and cast another spell..."

He sings as Jafar again Gran zirtan vin fangan miti... before continuing as himself "and the cave sank beneath the sands, with Aladdin trapped inside."

The girls swallow hard at this. For two days Aladdin remained in the dark, wondering how in the world he was going to get out." Brock continues. "In desperation, he sang to the ring Jafar had given him..."

Karuto, iichiida shou... Ash fills in the spellsong.

...and in a flash of red light, he found himself outside." Brock continues. "As soon as he was used to the light again, he went home, but he collapsed  in exhaustion on the threshold. When he came to, he told his mother Cantara everything, and showed her the lamp and the Berries he had gathered in the garden, which were really jewels in all sizes, colors, and shapes."

"Wow"s fill the room at this. "But when he asked for some food, Cantara told him..."

"I have nothing in the house, but I have spun a little cotton and will go and sell it." Misty offers as Cantara.

"Aladdin told her to keep her cotton, for he planned to sell the lamp instead."Brock continues. "But just as he rubbed it in an attempt to polish it, a genie in fine clothes appeared, and asked what he wanted. Cantara was so surprised she almost fainted..." the girls laugh over Misty's look of feigned shock. "but Aladdin bravely replied...

"Genie, I'd like you to bring me something to eat." Ash requests as Aladdin.

"At this, the genie cast a spell..." Brock pauses to sing as the real genie Rou iitsa ron selga vichii... "and in a flash of light, there appeared a silver bowl, twelve silver plates containing all kinds of meats, Berries, vegetables, and cheeses, two silver cups, and the finest water and juices. When Cantara came to, she said..."

"Where did this splendid feast come from?" Misty asks in feigned awe.

"Don't ask questions, just eat." Ash assures her as Aladdin.

"So they ate until they were full, and Aladdin told his mother about the lamp." Brock goes on as Ash and Misty pantomime eating and conversing. "She told him if he planned to keep it, he was to be very careful not to let it fall into evil hands, and only ask the genie for good things. For some time, they lived in prosperity, with the genie of the lamp tending to their every need."

"Where's Princess Jasmine?" a girl wonders.

Brock just smiles--Princess Jasmine is actually coming up next! "One day Aladdin heard heralds from the royal palace proclaiming that everyone was to stay home and close the windows out of respect for Princess Jasmine's royal caravan. Aladdin had heard a lot about the princess, and how beautiful, wise, and kind she was, and longed to see her face. But just getting to the palace was hard enough, and getting to Princess Jasmine's chamber was harder still. He caught a glimpse of her through a crack in the window as the caravan passed by, and fell in love with her at first sight. He was so changed that it even worried Cantara, as Princess Jasmine was all he could talk about."

Giggles go up as the girls picture Brock's Aladdin with heart eyes. "He told Cantara he loved Princess Jasmine so deeply that he could not live without her, and wanted to ask her hand in marriage."  Brock continues. "Cantara, on hearing this, burst out laughing, but Aladdin at last convinced her her to go before the sultan with his request. She took a napkin and laid in it the magic jewels from the enchanted garden, which sparkled and shone in the desert sun. She took these and set out for the palace, trusting in the lamp. The vizir and the royal council had just gone in as she entered the hall and bowed before the sultan. He, however, didn't notice her. She went every day for a week, and stood in the same place every day."

"What did the sultan say?" Terra wonders.

"Well, when the council left on the sixth day the sultan said to his vizir..." Brock then switches to a mimic of the real sultan. "I see a certain woman in the throne room every day carrying something in a napkin. Call her next time, that I may find out what she wants."

As himself, he continues "The next day, Cantara went before the throne, and remained kneeling till the sultan said to her..."

He gestures to Misty, who has "bowed" before his chair. "Rise, good woman, and tell me what you want." he smiles as the sultan.

Misty pauses as Brock narrates as himself "Cantara hesitated, so the sultan sent away all but the vizir, and told her to speak freely, promising to forgive her beforehand for anything she might say. She then told him of her son's love for Princess Jasmine." Misty pantomimes talking at this.

"I told him to forget her," Misty explains as Cantara, "but it was all in vain; he threatened to do some desperate deed if I refused to go and ask Your Majesty for the hand of Princess Jasmine. Now I pray you to forgive not me alone, but my son Aladdin."

"The sultan asked her what she had in the napkin, where she unveiled the jewels and presented them." Brock narrates as Misty does this. "He was thunderstruck, and turning to the vizir, he said..."

"What do you think? Should I give Jasmine to one who values her at such a price?" he asks as the Sultan.

As himself, he continues "The vizir, who wanted Princess Jasmine for his own son, told the sultan to withhold her for three months, in hopes his son would give him a richer present in that timeframe. The sultan granted this, and told Cantara that although he consented to the marriage, she must not appear before him again for three months. Aladdin waited patiently for nearly three months, but after two months had passed, Cantara, while going into the city to buy oil, found everyone rejoicing, and asked what was going on. She learned that the son of the vizir was to marry Princess Jasmine that very night!"

"What did she do?" a girl asks.

"She ran and told Aladdin, who was overwhelmed at first, but remembered his friend the genie." Brock assures the girls.

"What do you wish?" he asks Ash as the genie.

"Genie, the sultan has broken his promise to me, and the vizir's son is to have Princess Jasmine." Ash explains as Aladdin. "I'd like you to bring them here tonight."

"Sure enough, at midnight the genie cast a spell on the bed containing the vizir's son and Princess Jasmine." Brock pauses to sing as the genie Karuto, iichiida shou...

"Genie, I'd like you to take the vizir's son home." Ash requests.

"The genie warped the vizir's son out of the bed, leaving Aladdin with the princess." Brock narrates.

"Please don't be afraid," Ash assures Misty as Aladdin; "You are my wife, promised to me by your unjust father, and no harm will come to you."

"Princess Jasmine was too frightened to speak, and passed the most miserable night of her life, while Aladdin lay down beside her and slept soundly. At the appointed hour the genie transported the bed back to the palace." Brock continues. "When the sultan came to wish his daughter good morning, Princess Jasmine did not say a word, and was very sad.  The sultan asked her what the matter was, and she told him how, during the night, the bed had been carried into some strange house, and what had happened there. The sultan did not believe her one bit, but assumed it was a nightmare. The next night the same thing happened, and the next morning, she told the sultan everything, bidding him ask the vizir's son if it were not so. The sultan told the vizir to ask his son, who told the truth, adding that, dearly as he loved the princess, he would rather die than go through another fearful night, and wished to be separated from her. His wish was granted, and the preparations for the festivities ended."

"So did Aladdin get to marry Princess Jasmine?" Terra wonders.

"When the three months were up, Aladdin sent his mother to remind the sultan of his promise." Brock continues. "She stood in the same place as before, and the sultan, who had forgotten all about Aladdin, immediately remembered him, and sent for her. On seeing her poverty the sultan felt less inclined than ever to keep his word, and asked the vizir's advice. He told him to set so high a value on Princess Jasmine that no living person could measure up to it.

He tells Misty as the sultan "Good lady, a sultan must remember his promises, and I will remember mine, but your son must first send me forty basins of gold brimming jewels, carried by a caravan of eighty servants, splendidly dressed. Tell him that I await his answer."

As himself, he intones "Cantara bowed low and went home, thinking all was lost. She gave Aladdin the message, adding..."

"He may wait long enough for your answer!" Misty informs Ash as Cantara.

"Not so long, mother, as you think," Ash assures Misty. "I would do a great deal more than that for Princess Jasmine."

"He summoned the genie, and in a few moments the eighty servants arrived, and filled up the small house and garden." Brock continues. They set out for the palace, two by two, followed by Cantara. They were so richly dressed, with such splendid jewels in their belts, that everyone crowded to see them and the basins of gold and jewels they carried on their heads. They entered the palace, and, after kneeling before the sultan, stood in a half-circle around the throne with their arms crossed, while Cantara presented them to the sultan."

He interjects as the sultan "Good woman, return and tell your son that I wait for him with open arms."

"She lost no time in telling Aladdin, telling him to hurry." he continues as himself. "But Aladdin first summoned his friend the genie."

"Genie, I'd like a scented bath, a richly embroidered robe, a Rapidash surpassing the Sultan's, and twenty servants to attend me." Ash requests. "Besides this, I also would like six servants, beautifully dressed, to wait on my mother; and ten thousand pieces of gold in ten purses."

"No sooner said than done." Brock smiles. "Aladdin mounted his Rapidash, and passed through the streets, the servants tossing gold as they went. Those who had played with him when he was younger didn't even recognize him, he had grown so handsome."

Awed gasps go up at this. "When the sultan saw him he came down from his throne, embraced him, and led him into a hall where a feast was spread, intending to marry him to Princess Jasmine that very day. But Aladdin refused, saying..."

"I must build a palace fit for her," Ash explains.

"Once home, he asked the genie..." Brock narrates.

"Genie,  I'd like you to build me a palace of the finest marble, set with rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and other precious stones. In the middle, build me a large hall with a dome, its four walls of gold and silver, each side having six windows, whose lattices, all except one, which is to be left unfinished, must be set with diamonds and pearls. There must be stables and Ponytas and grooms and servants too!"

"The palace was finished by the next morning, and the genie carried him there and showed him all his orders faithfully carried out, even to the laying of a velvet carpet from Aladdin's palace to the sultan's." Brock goes on. Cantara then dressed herself carefully, and walked to the palace with her servants, while he followed her on horseback. The sultan sent musicians with trumpets, flutes, harps, fiddles, and drums to meet them, so that the air resounded with the music and cheers. She was taken to Princess Jasmine, who saluted her and treated her with great honor. That night, Princess Jasmine said good-bye to her father, and set out on the carpet for Aladdin's palace, with his mother at her side, and followed by the hundred servants. She was charmed at the sight of Aladdin, who ran to receive her.

"Princess," Ash assures Misty, "blame your beauty for my boldness if I have displeased you."

"She told him that, having seen him, she willingly obeyed her father in this matter." Brock narrates as Misty nods yes in reply. "After the wedding had taken place, Aladdin led her into the hall, where a feast was spread, and she ate with him, after which they danced till midnight. The next day, Aladdin invited the Sultan to see the palace. On entering the hall with the twenty four windows, with their rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, he cried..."

"It is a world's wonder!" he gasps as the sultan. "There is only one thing that surprises me. Was it by accident that one window was left unfinished?"

"No, sir, by design," Ash explains as Aladdin. "I wished Your Majesty to have the honor of finishing this palace."

"The sultan was pleased, and sent for the best jewelers in the city. He showed them the unfinished window, and ordered them to fit it up like the others." Brock continues before concluding "Aladdin easily won the hearts of the people by his gentle demeanor. He was named heir to the throne, but remained as modest and courteous as he had always done, and lived in peace and happiness for many years. He, Princess Jasmine, and his friend the genie went on many more adventures--but that is another story for another day!"

The girls roar with applause as Ash, Misty, and Brock take a bow....
In memory of Robin Williams, as thanks for bringing the wonderfully wacky Genie to life.

When Terra and some of her friends get together for a slumber party, Brock decides to tell his version of "Aladdin"

Real tale:…
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